GenHydro Inc Logo

GenHydro Inc

Processing Facility – GenHydro

Who is GenHydro Inc?

At GenHydro™ we are all about innovation in the hydrogen industry. Our mission is to produce low-cost emissions-free hydrogen, enabling a multiple industry transition to clean energy and production. At GenHydro™ our goal is to be a part of the global transition to emissions-free energy. Our goal is not to be a disruptor to these workers and their communities, but to be a partner in helping their communities flourish, and ensuring that as the world transitions to clean energy, lives and livelihoods remain uninterrupted. The GenHydro system utilizes waste metals like aluminum, to separate hydrogen from H2O and also cogenerate thermal and electrical energy. Fundamentally what GenHydro does is waste to hydrogen + energy. Our focus is utilizing a reaction-based method for hydrogen production, with the goal of high yield at a groundbreaking low cost. What this means for us is using our technology to provide a means for existing industries to keep doing what they do best, while also moving towards emissions-free production.

This company is:


Gordonville, United States

1-10 Employees


Products & services of GenHydro Inc

Product Products – GenHydro image


Products – GenHydro

A Multi-product approach | Green hydrogen | Advanced Ceramics | Cogenerated Electricity | Why We Don’t Only Offer Green Hydrogen | A Plant Model for Low-Cost Green Hydrogen

Product Why We Need Reactant Based H2 Production – GenHydro image


Why We Need Reactant Based H2 Production – GenHydro

Why We Need Reactant Based H2 Production

Product Reaction-based hydrogen production tech offers affordable, clean energy solutions – GenHydro image


Reaction-based hydrogen production tech offers affordable, clean energy solutions – GenHydro

Reaction-based hydrogen production tech offers affordable, clean energy solutions

View all products


Renewables & Environment


Oil, Energy and Gas

Contact of GenHydro Inc

City: Gordonville

State: Pennsylvania

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about GenHydro Inc

The company GenHydro Inc is located in Gordonville, Pennsylvania, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information GenHydro Inc has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

The company GenHydro Inc has it's main focus in the industries of Oil, Energy and Gas

Competitors of GenHydro Inc

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